Long ago great creatures roamed our planet - DINOSAURS! What weird and wonderful animals they were - all different kinds, from giants to midgets. Today there remain MANY MYSTERIES to be solved about these marvelous animals. What did they really look like? Why did they die out? How do dinosaurs fit into history? What do their fossils tell about our planet? (...and a thousand other q...
Hilary naplója
... awesome sights. My fans in Europe are so warm and devoted. They are the reason I have such a good time performing. One amazing place where I gave a concert was a city right on the Mediterranean Sea called Valencia. Valencia is in Spain and famous for its beaches and paella (which is a dish with rice and seafood). We ordered a big dish of it to share. It was delicious! Below is a p...
Before the Prophet ( PBUH)
... worshipped statues? Abraham always had a sense that Allah cared for him and he felt Allah near him as he traveled. At last, after a long hard journey, he arrived at a place by the Mediterranean Sea, not far from Egypt. There he married a noble women by the name of Sarah and settled in the land of Palestine.

Many year passed but Abraham and his wife were not blesse...
... atmosphere

Black rain, and fire, and hail will burst: hear!


Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams

The blue Mediterranean, where he lay,

Lulled by the coil of his cristàlline streams,

Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's bay,

And saw in sleep old pa...
Lara Croft Tomb Raider
... sejti, hogy közben milyen veszélybe sodorta a világot...
Kiegészítő: Beneath the ashes ,Lara's shadow
Pályák száma:8
Croft Manor (Croft Birtok , bevezető pálya)
Mediterranean Sea (Földközi tenger , Thor egyik kesztyűje)
Coastal Thailand (Thaiföld partjai , megtudjuk: Thor második kesztyűjének helye)
Croft Manor (Croft Birtok, Thor második kesztyűj...
Ez történt - Február 6. -án
... Martel of France, grandfather of Charlemagne. This was the beginning of the Carolingian renaissance. Now on the offensive, the Christian forces added Septimania and Catalonia (near the Mediterranean Sea) to their possessions.

The Spanish financier, diplomat and Jewish leader was arrested by King Pedro without any reason being...
Ez történt - Április 6.-án
... Martel of France, grandfather of Charlemagne. This was the beginning of the Carolingian renaissance. Now on the offensive, the Christian forces added Septimania and Catalonia (near the Mediterranean Sea) to their possessions.

953 JOSIPPON (Josiphon)
A quasi-historical account that was loosely based on Josephus's Antiquities. The book, composed in Hebrew and of un...
Ez történt - Április 25.-én
... Martel of France, grandfather of Charlemagne. This was the beginning of the Carolingian renaissance. Now on the offensive, the Christian forces added Septimania and Catalonia (near the Mediterranean Sea) to their possessions.

880 ELDAD HADANI (the Danite)

Claimedto belong to the ten lost tribes who lived near Ethiopia and the river Sambatyon. According to l...
Ez történt - Június 1.-én
... Martel of France, grandfather of Charlemagne. This was the beginning of the Carolingian renaissance. Now on the offensive, the Christian forces added Septimania and Catalonia (near the Mediterranean Sea) to their possessions.

Obadiah, the leader or Khaqan of the Khazars, adopted rabbinic Judaism two generations after their conversion.

Ez történt - Augusztus 3.-án
... Martel of France, grandfather of Charlemagne. This was the beginning of the Carolingian renaissance. Now on the offensive, the Christian forces added Septimania and Catalonia (near the Mediterranean Sea) to their possessions.

Ibn Laid al-Hassan, a Moslem traveler, wrote of riots in Kanfu, China in which Jews were counted among the dead.

850 F...
A magyar népek őstörténete 3
Baráth Tibor: A magyar népek őstörténete 3. rész


Az egyiptomi királyok trónneveiket akként választották meg, hogy abban az isteni megbízatás kifejezésre jusson. Ezért a trónnév rendszerint az isten valamelyik nevét foglalta magában: Úr, Mén, Magar, Tudó, Szem- úr, Napúr, amihez hozzáfűzték a helyettességet kifej...
A magyar népek őstörténete 5
Baráth Tibor: A magyar népek őstörténete 5. rész

Mózes a zsidókat asszír segítséggel kiszökteti Egyiptomból

Ki volt Mózes, aki nevéhez az Egyiptomban maradt zsidó kolónia felszámolása fűződik, bibliai kifejezéssel szólva "a szolgaságból való kiszabadítása" ? A tudósok tekintélyes része, köztük a lélekbúvár Sigmund Freud úgy véli, hogy nem a zsidó népb...
Magyar Adorján elmélete - 15.
... group as the Latin pinus = fenyő. Their holy flower was the red poppy called pipacs. But there are beautiful, golden yellow poppies in the Adriatic region and on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. All ancient Magyar word-groups contained monosyllabic, equal consonantal words, like the words pip, pap, púp. The Latin name of the poppy is papaver. The Magyar word for bean is bab; b...
Ez történt - November 25.-én
... Russian capital.

1941: Rommel continues his attacks at the rear of the Eighth Army.

1941: U-331 (Kplt. Tiesenhausen) sinks the British battleship Barham in the Mediterranean.

Firestone Ad - November 1942

1942 November 25, JAN KARSKI (Poland - England -US...
Ez történt - November 26.-án
... Berlin by RAF.

1943: German forces of Army Group Centre evacuate Gomel in Byelorussia.

1943: The HMT Rohna, a British troop transport, is attacked in the eastern Mediterranean by a Luftwaffe plane using a radio-guided bomb, sinking the ship and killing 1,015 American GIs and 135 British and Australian service men. It is the largest loss of U.S. servicemen at ...
Ez történt - Január 1.-én
... Martel of France, grandfather of Charlemagne. This was the beginning of the Carolingian renaissance. Now on the offensive, the Christian forces added Septimania and Catalonia (near the Mediterranean Sea) to their possessions.

Obadiah, the leader or Khaqan of the Khazars, adopted rabbinic Judaism two generations after their conversion.

Ez történt - Január 3.-án
... Martel of France, grandfather of Charlemagne. This was the beginning of the Carolingian renaissance. Now on the offensive, the Christian forces added Septimania and Catalonia (near the Mediterranean Sea) to their possessions.

1521. január 3. X. Leó pápa kiközösíti Luthert , aki személyes halálfélelmét nem volt hajlandó a katolikus egyház által áruba bocsátott bűnbocsán...
Ez történt - Február 6.-án
... Martel of France, grandfather of Charlemagne. This was the beginning of the Carolingian renaissance. Now on the offensive, the Christian forces added Septimania and Catalonia (near the Mediterranean Sea) to their possessions.

The Spanish financier, diplomat and Jewish leader was arrested by King Pedro without any reason being...
Ez történt - Március 28. -án
... the Italian navy puts a force of 1 Battleship, 8 Cruisers and 9 Destroyers out to sea. However, they are spotted by an RAF flying boat which alerts Admiral Cunningham who orders the Mediterranean fleet to slip anchor and intercept the Italians the next day.

1941: Anti-Axis demonstrations in Yugoslavia.

Packard Ad - March 1942

Ez történt - Április 6.-án
... Martel of France, grandfather of Charlemagne. This was the beginning of the Carolingian renaissance. Now on the offensive, the Christian forces added Septimania and Catalonia (near the Mediterranean Sea) to their possessions.

953 JOSIPPON (Josiphon)
A quasi-historical account that was loosely...
1 2 3 
Címkék: Lara Croft Tomb Raider, Magyar Adorján, MANY MYSTERIES, Mediterranean Sea, Croft Manor, Croft Birtok, Coastal Thailand, SAMUEL BEN MEIR ABULAFIA, King Pedro, ELDAD HADANI, Baráth Tibor, KIRÁLYOK TRÓNNEVEI ÉS URALKODÓI CÍMEI, Sigmund Freud, Eighth Army, Firestone Ad, Army Group Centre, American GIs, Admiral Cunningham, Packard Ad, magyar népek, thousand other, good time, city right, dish with, sense that, long hard, noble women, pumice isle, quasi-historical account, egyiptomi királyok, isteni megbízatás, trónnév rendszerint, isten valamelyik, helyettességet kifej, zsidókat asszír, szolgaságból való, tudósok tekintélyes, lélekbúvár Sigmund, zsidó népb, radio-guided bomb, katolikus egyház, helyettességet, demonstrations, firestoneadnov, mediterranean, kiszabadítása, halálfélelmét, kifejezéssel, választották, trónneveiket, felszámolása, tiesenhausen, monosyllabic, kesztyűjének, szolgaságból, carolingian, kifejezésre, possessions, renaissance, grandfather, őstörténete, byelorussia, rendszerint, charlemagne, consonantal,
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